Inga Metreveli is a field coordinator at PMC Research Center (PMC RC). Her responsibilities include facilitating the creation and development of clusters, which entails communication with entrepreneurs and relevant organizations and planning meetings, while she also organizes skills development events and work sessions, and prepares relevant reports.
Prior to joining our team, Mrs. Metreveli was the local coordinator of GIZ project “Tourism and Entrepreneurship Development in Upper Racha.” She has also served regularly as a regional coordinator for Transparency International during pre-election monitoring projects, and worked for Elkana – Organic Farming & Rural Tourism Network.
In addition, Mrs. Metreveli is the founder and director of Racha Antiquities Study and Protection Fund, the purpose of which is to facilitate socio-economic development, and to raise awareness about environmental and cultural heritage protection issues in Racha. The NGO has received funding from UNDP and WWF, which has contributed to beneficial projects being implemented in the region.
In terms of education, she holds a master’s degree in Journalism from Tbilisi State University, and was editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Oni News” for 10 years.