Foreign Assistance to Ukraine (2022-2024)
From the beginning of the war in February 2022 up until 31 December 2024, the international community has committed a total of €399.8 billion to Ukraine, with the majority (52%) designated for financial assistance, 42% for military assistance, and 6% for humanitarian assistance.
Of the committed assistance, 67% (€267.2 billion) has already been allocated.
The US leads the way in terms of total commitments, with 96% of its pledged assistance already allocated.
Employment Tracker (January, 2025)
Our latest monthly publication, Employment Tracker, offers insights into recent developments in Georgia’s labor market.
In January 2025, the number of persons receiving a monthly salary increased by 4% YoY.
In January 2025, the total number of vacancies published on decreased by 9% YoY.
In Q4 of 2024, labor market efficiency slightly increased as the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate declined slightly, while the job openings rate dropped significantly.
Issue 150: Vocational Education in Georgia
The latest issue of Economic Outlook and Indicators in Georgia, analyzes Vocational Education in Georgia (2019 – 2023):
State expenditure on VET tripled between 2017 and 2024, with its share in total education spending rising from 3.1% to 4%.
From 2017 to 2023, the number of registered students increased; however, the number of admitted students has not risen correspondingly, leading to a widening gap between registered and admitted students.
The transition from secondary school to VET remains challenging, with 10.6 times more students opting for higher education, albeit the number of registered VET students has grown.
Employment Tracker (December, 2024)
Our latest monthly publication, Employment Tracker, offers insights into recent developments in Georgia’s labor market.
In December 2024, the number of people receiving a monthly salary recorded the lowest YoY growth during 2023-2024.
In December 2024, the total number of persons receiving a service fee decreased both YoY and MoM.
In December 2024, the total number of vacancies published on decreased by 20% MoM and 5% YoY.
Please refer to the full publication for more insights.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q4, 2024)
Our latest Georgian Economic Climate publication offers assessments of various economic developments by Georgian economists.
Assessment of Georgia’s current economic situation was negative, while predictions for Georgia’s economic situation by the end of the next six months were extremely negative. Overall, their outlook was significantly more pessimistic compared to the previous reporting period. Political turmoil and exchange rate fluctuations had the greatest impact on the Georgian economy in Q4 2024. The suspension of EU membership talks was assessed negatively by all surveyed economists in terms of its effects on Georgia’s economy.