Monthly Tourism Update (April, 2023)
In Q1 of 2023, the number of international visits to Georgia reached a total of 1.1 million, which amounts to 79.9% of the corresponding quarter of 2019 (i.e. the pre-pandemic level). In Q1 of 2023, Russia was the biggest source country of visitors to Georgia, amounting to 256,787 visits (exceeding the pre-pandemic level by 1.1%). In Q1 of 2023 the income from international travel reached USD 795.4 million, which is 38% higher compared to the pre-pandemic number. In terms of nationality, the income from Russian travelers was the highest in Q1 of 2023 and amounted to USD 266.4 million - 29% higher than in Q1 of 2019. Notably, according to the National Bank of Georgia, as of 31 March 2023, 35.5% of Russian citizens, 23.7% of Ukrainian citizens, and 44% of Belarusian citizens residing in Georgia were estimated to have been living in the country for one year or intending to stay for more than one year, and their expenditure is not included in the calculations of income from travel.
Monthly Tourism Update (March, 2023)
In 2022, the number of domestic visits amounted to 16.3 million visits, which is 3.6% lower compared to 2021, and 14.6% higher compared to the pre-pandemic number, indicating continuing increased demand for tourist activities from domestic visitors, albeit at a decelerating rate. In 2022, the average nights spent per visit fully returned to the pre-pandemic number, showing the reversal of the behavior of domestic visitors after the growth in the length of stay in 2020 and 2021. The expenditure of domestic visitors reached GEL 3 billion, which is higher both compared to the previous year (by 9.8%) and 2019 (by 61.7%).    In absolute values, in 2022, compared to 2021, the expenditures of domestic visitors on transport (by GEL 75.5 mln),  accommodation (by GEL 43.7 mln), and food and drinks (by GEL 38 bln) increased significantly.
Monthly Tourism Update (February, 2023)
In 2022, the number of outbound visits made by Georgian residents tripled compared to 2021 and reached 1.7 million, equating to 71% of the pre-pandemic figure. In 2022, a significant proportion of outbound visits were to Turkey (54%), followed by Russia (14%). Notably, the number of outbound visits to Russia exceeded the pre-pandemic figure by 49% with the highest quarterly increase (143%) coming in Q3 of 2022 compared to Q3 of 2019. The most popular purpose of outbound visits in 2022 was shopping, representing 41% of total visits, while this number was equal to 29% in 2019. The share of shopping also increased in total expenditure of outbound visitors, reaching GEL 759 million, marking a 16% increase compared to 2019.
Monthly Tourism Update (January, 2023)
In 2022, the number of international visitors reached a total of 3.9 million, which is 176% higher compared to 2021 and amounts to 65% of the pre-pandemic (2019) total. In 2022, the highest number of visitors to Georgia came from Russia, amounting to 915,000. Russia was followed by neighboring countries: Turkey (711 thousand) and Armenia (531 thousand). In 2022, the income from international travel reached USD 3.5 billion, which is 8% higher compared to 2019. The recovery was gradual but by Q4 of 2022, it had exceeded the corresponding figure for Q4 of 2019 by 46%. In terms of nationality, the income from Russian travelers was the highest in 2022 and amounted to USD 891 million (25.3% of total income), which is 15% higher compared to 2019. Meanwhile, income from Ukrainian travelers exceeded the pre-pandemic number by 52% and reached USD 282 million.
Monthly Tourism Update (December, 2022)
In 2022, the tourism sector showed a significant recovery, which could be attributed to a combination of factors, such as the rapid inflow of international visitors after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, the alleviation of COVID-19-related restrictions, the reopening of land borders, the revival of flight routes, and sustained high demand among domestic visitors. The accommodation sector recovered significantly in Q3 of 2022, with turnover showing a 20.1% increase compared to Q3 of 2019. Notably, the turnover of the accommodation sector reached a high of GEL 794.9 mln in Q3 of 2022. In the first three quarters of 2022, the average monthly salary in the accommodation sector exceeded pre-pandemic values significantly with an average YoY increase of 22.5%. This could be attributed to a labor shortage in the tourism sector, inflationary trends, and increased demand for accommodation and food services.
Monthly Tourism Update (November, 2022)
Since 2021, international visits to Georgia have been showing signs of significant recovery. The recovery accelerated in Q3 of 2022, when the number of international visits reached 69% of the corresponding figure in Q3 of 2019. The average expenditure per visit tripled in Q3 of 2022 compared to the corresponding period of 2019, and reached GEL 2,440. Meanwhile, the total expenditure exceeded the pre-pandemic (Q3 of 2019) value by 41%, reaching GEL 4.6 billion. The average nights spent per visit increased significantly (42%) in Q3 of 2022, compared to the corresponding period of 2019, reaching 6.8 nights per visit, similar to the first half of 2022.
Monthly Tourism Update (October, 2022)
In Q2 of 2022, international visits to natural attractions amounted to 62% of the pre-pandemic (Q2 of 2019) value, while domestic visits exceeded the pre-pandemic value by 54%, which could be explained by changing behavioral trends among domestic visitors and specifically their increased demand for local tourism destinations. By the end of the first nine months of 2022, the number of visits to Protected Areas had already recovered to 66% of the total number of visits in 2019. During the covered period, most of the international visitors to Protected Areas were from Russia (83 286 visitors) and Belarus (48 422). Meanwhile, the most visited destinations were Martvili Canyon, followed by Prometheus Cave and Tsalka Canyon.
Monthly Tourism Update (September, 2022)
Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the border crossing statistics have shown significant differences in the number of entries and exits by Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians. From January to September 2022, the difference between entries and exits of citizens of Russia was equal to 58.6 thousand unique persons. Despite only a partial recovery in the number of international visits, in Q1 of 2022, the total expenditure of international visitors exceeded the pre-pandemic (Q1 of 2019) value by 21%, while in Q2 of 2022, the total expenditure was only 6% lower than Q2 of 2019. The average expenditure per visit tripled in Q1 of 2022 and almost doubled in Q2 of 2022, compared to the corresponding periods of 2019. This could be explained by the fact that in the first half of 2022, the average length of stay almost doubled as it increased from 3.8 to 6.4 nights.
Monthly Tourism Update (August, 2022)
In the third quarter of every year between 2016 and 2020, the number of international visits to Adjara, on average, amounted to 42% of total international visits to Georgia, while contributing up to 14.9% of all domestic visits. Throughout the past few months, in Adjara in particular and Georgia in general, significant hotel price increases have been evident due to a combination of factors, such as the marked recovery of international tourism, the rapid inflow of Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, higher demand for Georgian tourist destinations among domestic visitors, and a rise in prices for essential goods for hotel maintenance. In the summer of 2022, a significant increase has been observed in average hotel prices compared to the pre-pandemic level in Georgia. Specifically, price increases have been especially apparent in Adjara. Average hotel prices there increased by 16% compared to 2019 and by 25% compared to 2021. Meanwhile, in Batumi, average summer prices compared to the same two years increased by 17% and 23%, respectively.
Monthly Tourism Update (July, 2022)
In the past few months, significant increases in hotel prices have been evident due to a combination of factors, such as the partial recovery of international tourism, the rapid inflow of Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians since the beginning of the war, a higher domestic tourism demand among Georgians, and the increase in prices for essential goods for hotel services.