ifo World Economic Survey (August, 2019)
The World Economic Survey (WES) assesses global economic trends by polling transnational and national organizations worldwide on current economic developments in their respective countries. Its results offer a rapid, up-to-date assessment of the current economic situation internationally. In July 2019, 1,173 economic experts in 116 countries were polled.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q3, 2019)
In the third quarter of 2019, Georgian economic climate has worsened rapidly. In this period, Georgian economists assessed Georgia’s present economic situation negatively; Moreover, the assessment of present economic situation in this quarter has deteriorated compared to both the previous quarter (Q2) of 2019 and the same time last year (Q3 of 2018). In the third quarter of 2019, Georgia’s economic situation in the next six months has also been assessed negatively by Georgian economists. In this quarter, expectations in six months has worsened compared to both, the second quarter of 2019 and the third quarter of 2018.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q2, 2019)
In the second quarter of 2019, Georgian economic climate has slightly improved. In this period, Georgian economists assessed Georgia’s present economic situation positively, However, the assessment of pres- ent economic situation in this quarter has deteriorated compared to the first quarter of 2019 and the second quarter of 2018. In the second quarter of 2019, Georgia’s economic situation in the next six months has also been assessed positively by Georgian economists. In this quarter, expectations in six months has slightly improved compared to the first quarter of 2019; Not- withstanding, the expectations in six months of Q2 2019 has deteriorated compared with the Q2 2018.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q1, 2019)
In the first quarter of 2019, Georgian economic climate slightly improved. In this period, Georgian economists assessed Georgia’s present economic situation positively. The assessment of present economic situation in this quarter has deteriorated compared with the first quarter of 2018; However, it has improved compared to the fourth quarter of 2018. 
Georgian Economic Climate (Q4, 2018)
In the fourth quarter of 2018, Georgian economic climate barely remained satisfactory. In this period, Georgian economistsassessed Georgia’s present economic situation satisfactorily. However, assessment of present economic situation in this quarter deteriorated compared to the third quarter of 2018, and the fourth quarter of 2017.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q3, 2018)
In the third quarter of 2018, Georgian economists positively assessed Georgia’s Economic Climate Indicator (ECI). The Georgianeconomy is categorized under “Boom” with a positive assessment of its present situation and expectation for the next sixmonths.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q2, 2018)
Georgian Economic Climate is a joint product of PMC Research Center and the ifo Institute for Economic Research. In this bulletin, we discuss Georgia’s economic climate as assessed by Georgian economists. PMC Research is a regional partner of the ifo Institute, one of the leading economic research institutesin Europe,specializing in applied economic research, policy advising and other services for governments, businesses, researchers and the public.
Georgian Economic Climate (Q1, 2018)
 Georgian Economic Climate is a joint product of PMC Research Center and the ifo Institute for Economic Research. In this bulletin, we discuss Georgia’s economic climate as assessed by Georgian economists. PMC Research is a regional partner of the ifo Institute, one of the leading economic research institutesin Europe,specializing in applied economic research, policy advising and other services for governments, businesses, researchers and the public.