Mr. Gutbrod has exceptional knowledge and experience of think tanks worldwide. He has worked with research organizations in North America, Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia, has analyzed think tank finance, and regularly consults on policy research.
As an Executive Director at Transparify which provides the first-ever global rating of the financial transparency of think tanks worldwide, he contributes to enhancing and improving think tanks. He is also a founder of Find Policy, a search tool for policy options, targeted toward leading policy research organizations around the world.
Mr. Gutbrod is engaged in the private sector and investment in Georgia, as he is also a founder of Nergeta - the first company to export kiwi fruits from Georgia to the EU.
In addition, Mr. Gutbrod has led the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), overseeing more than 100 research projects in diverse fields, the results of which have been cited in globally renowned news outlets such as BBC, the Economist, and the New York Times.