Policy Papers
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience in Georgia: State of Play and Future Prospects

In an era where critical infrastructure security and resilience (CISR) has become paramount to national security, economic stability, and public safety, nations are increasingly recognizing the importance of bolstering their protective measures and governance models. Georgia stands on the cusp of a significant reform, aimed at enhancing its critical infrastructure security and resilience. This policy paper presents an initial analysis of Georgia’s current critical infrastructure protection (CIP) landscape as well as insights from the governance models of two EU Member States, and sets out a potential path forward that could serve to safeguard Georgia’s infrastructural assets and align its policies with global best practices.


Total Defense: The Strategy On How To Defeat Strong

Russia’s full-scale military aggression and the ongoing war in Ukraine have led to a fundamental overhaul of the West’s defense and security policy and practice. In addition, a large-scale conventional war on European soil and the successful defensive operation of Ukraine has prompted defense and security professionals to reconsider the importance of total (comprehensive) defense.

The total defense system was established during the Cold War in non-NATO member states that faced threats from a superior adversary. The concept has adapted to new security challenges and evolved from a comprehensive defense system to a comprehensive security model.

Since 2017 Georgia has been trying to build its defense and security system on the principle of total defense. However, it has not yet approved the necessary political and strategic guidelines, conceptual framework, implementation plan, and assigned resources.

Based on the Baltic and Nordic States case study, the paper identifies the critical conditions for implementing an effective and efficient total defense system and assesses the state of play in Georgia consistent with the case study’s findings.

Everyday Peace Indicators in Conflict-Affected Communities

Applying the Everyday Peace Indicators (EPI) methodology, this research on everyday peace attempts to explore how people in conflict-affected societies perceive and describe peace in their everyday life; more specifically, the research was guided by two questions: What are the perceptions of everyday peace in conflict-affected societies in the Georgian, Abkhaz, and South Ossetian contexts?  What are key factors influencing everyday peace in conflict-affected societies? 

The research report entails the Everyday Peace Indicators for each research location, as well as key factors and cross-cutting themes influencing everyday peace across the conflict-divided societies. The needs and perceptions of everyday peace amongst women and youth are outlined in separate chapters.