Issue 87: New Excise Tax Rule for Automobiles
Starting from 1st January of 2017 the new rule of excise tax calculation launched. There is a significant increase of excise tax on the automobiles issued before 2005. The excise tax on the automobiles with right-hand side wheel also increased significantly and amounted to 3 times more than the same car with left-hand side wheel. Based on the structure of Georgian autopark, the above graph shows the excise tax on automobiles with 1.6, 1.8 and 3.2 engine. According to the new rule the lowest fee of excise tax is for the cars issued in 2010.
Issue 86: Banking Sector - I - III Quarters, 2016
Analysis of January - November 2016, compared to the corresponding period in 2015:
• Net profit of commercial banks increased by 25.1% (114 mln GEL) and amounted to 567 mln GEL. • The volume of deposits increased (9.4%), as did the volume of loans (7.9%) (adjusted for exchange rate). • The proportion for which construction (by 2.8 percentage points), financial intermediation (2.5 percentage points) and hotels and restaurants (3.0 percentage points) were responsible for total loans increased. • The volume of non-performing loans increased by 9.5% which is mostly due to depreciation of GEL exchange rate.
Issue 85: Construction- I - III Quarters, 2016
According to the first three-quarters of 2016, compared to the corresponding period of 2015:
The volume of production in the construction sector increased by 41.2% and reached 4.2 bln GEL;Foreign direct investment (FDI) in construction increased by 21.8% and reached US$106 bln;The number of people employed in the construction sector increased by 3.1% and amounted to 60.1 thousands of people;The average monthly remuneration of employees in the sector is 1,415 GEL.
Issue 84: Social Expenditures of State Budget - I - III Quarters, 2016
In the first three quarters of 2016, compared to the corresponding period of 2015, in the State Budget: • Total expenditure on social security increased by 10.7% (238.6 mln GEL) and amounts into 2,270 mln GEL, which is 37% of total budget expenditure; • Expenditure on public pension increased by 11.7% (121.2 mln GEL); • Expenditure on general social healthcare program increased by 16.1% (68 mln GEL);
In the State Budget of 2017 expenditures on social security will increase by 8.4%.
Municipalities spent a significant part of their budget for social security, for example, 27.8% (177 mln GEL) of Tbilisi budget costs is spent on social security
Issue 82: Average monthly remuneration of employee - I-II Quarters, 2016
In the first half of 2016, compared to the corresponding period of 2015:
• Average monthly remuneration of employees increased by 5.4%.• The highest growth in average monthly remuneration of employees was recorded in construction (12.9%) and fishing (22.7%).• The highest paid sector is still financial services but the wages in public administration remain high compared to the average monthly remuneration across the board.• Average monthly remuneration for male is 37% more than the same indicator for female.
Issue 80: Business Sector - 2016, I-II Quarters
During the first half of 2016 compared to the corresponding period of 2015:
• Production value in the business sector increased by 10.8% as well as increased turnover (13.0%);
• There was an increase in the number of people employed in the business sector (5.8%, 32 400 people) and the average monthly remuneration (5.9%, 53.3 GEL).
Issue 79: State budget compliance - 2016, I-II Quarters
In the first half of 2016:• State budget revenues are executed by 100.5%, while expenditure - by 95.8%. • Expenditure on social benefits significantly increased (12.1%; 161.8 mln GEL) compared to the corresponding period in 2015. This might be due to the increase the expenditure on public health (23.4%; 62.5 mln. GEL).
Issue 78: Banking Sector - 2016, I-II Quarters
In June 2016 compared to the corresponding period in 2015:
• The volume of deposits (13.5%) and the volume of loans (11.2%) increased.• Taking the effect of exchange rate into consideration, the volume of deposits increased by 10.4% while the volume of loans increased by 8.2%.• There was a significant growth in the number of loans in construction (41.9%) as well as in the industrial sector (11.2%).• The average annual interest rate on deposits (-0.4 percentage point) as well as on loans (-1.5 percentage point) decreased.• The volume of non-performing loans increased by 8.4%.
Issue 77: External Trade - I-II Quarters, 2016
In the first half of 2016, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year:
• The volume of exports reduced (-5.7%) overall with the declines especially steep in the export of Ferro-alloys (-32.6%), motor cars (-24.5%) and medicaments (-24.4%).
• If we discount the medicaments for hepatitis C, the volume of imports also decreased (-10.6%) overall with significant declines in the import of petroleum oil (-20.2%), petroleum gases (-28.6%) and motor cars (-15.3%).
• Turkey became a major export partner country, while exports to Azerbaijan reduced significantly.