Presenting Research Outcomes: “Russia's Disinformation Campaigns in Georgia: A Study of State and Civil Society Response”
On December 12, PMC Research presented the outcomes of its research entitled “Russia’s Disinformation Campaigns in Georgia: A Study of State and Civil Society Response” and subsequently held a discussion thereon.
Working with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport to Implement Newly-Adopted Law on Vocational Education and Training
We are collaborating with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MoESCS), under a UNDP project designed to support the Ministry in the implementation of the newly-adopted law on vocational education and training (VET).
Business Climate Index in Georgia Being Established by the Georgian Business Association and PMC Research
Together with the Business Association Georgia (BAG), we have started working on the development of the BAG Index, which is focused on evaluating the business climate in Georgia.
Increasing Institutional Capacity of Vocational Educational Institutions
PMC Research has launched a new project entitled “Strengthening VET institutions’ capacity in the development of needs-based project ideas and proposals.”
Evaluating GIZ Program Dedicated to Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education
PMC Research is implementing a final evaluation survey to evaluate the results achieved within the program - Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training South Caucasus – implemented by the South Caucasus Office of GIZ.
Evaluating Progress of Penitentiary and Probation Reforms
We recently started working on a European Commission project focused on monitoring and assessing the implementation of the Strategy and 2019-2020 action Plan for the Development of Penitentiary and Crime Prevention Systems in Georgia.
PMC Research Elected as Fully-Fledged Member of Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) at Pre-presidency Conference in Zagreb
We can happily announce that PMC Research has become a fully-fledged member of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) through which it will actively contribute to the work and development of the organization. It is both a great honor and responsibility for PMC Research which becomes the first member organization from the South Caucasus. Indeed, even among Eastern Partnership Countries (EAP) PMC Research is only the second organization to enroll as a member of the TEPSA. PMC Research’s admission to the TEPSA was confirmed at its pre-presidency conference.
Presenting Research Outcomes: “Trade Facilitation Component of the Peace Initiative - A Step to a Better Future”
On November 26, PMC Research presented the results of its research entitled “Trade Facilitation Component of the Peace Initiative - A Step to a Better Future,” and held a subsequent discussion thereon.
EU-Supported Khulo Local Action Group Partake in Kazbegi Study Visit to Enhance Guesthouse Management Knowledge
During November 9-10, the EU-supported Khulo Local Action Group (LAG) organized a study visit to Kazbegi, in cooperation with the Kazbegi LAG to share experiences in the field of guesthouse management.
Increasing Institutional Capacity of Vocational Educational Institutions
PMC Research has launched a new project entitled “Strengthening VET institutions’ capacity in the development of needs-based project ideas and proposals.”
Our Academic Publication in Latest Edition of Caucasus Analytical Digest
It is with great pride that we can announce that our recent academic publication entitled “Connectivity, Trade and Financial Integration of the South Caucasus via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)” has been published in the latest edition of the Caucasus Analytical Digest (CAD).
PMC Research Gains New Regional Partner in Ukraine
We are pleased to announce that PMC Research has a new regional partner, namely the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, a highly reputable and independent think-tank operating in Ukraine.
Analysis of Gaps in the Law of Georgia on Public Service
On November 5, PMC Research presented outcomes of the research entitled “Analysis of Gaps in the Law of Georgia on Public Service.”
PMCG’s CEO Presents at International Summit Dedicated to 30th Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall
On November 7, Aleksi Aleksishvili, Chairman and CEO at PMCG, participated in the international summit entitled: “Berlin Wall 30 – From the Divided to the City of Freedom”, which was held in the German capital on November 6-10.
PMCG’s CEO Discusses Governance Challenges in the Modern World
On October 22, Aleksi Aleksishvili, CEO and Chairman at PMCG, participated at the 2019 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum in Virginia, USA