Addressing Solid Waste Management Challenges in Georgia
On November 18, PMC Research Center (PMC RC), under the umbrella of Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, held a presentation and public discussion of research findings and recommendations regarding “Solid Waste Management in Georgia”. The presentation focused on construction waste, polyethylene bags, municipal dumps, as well as the separation of solid waste collection systems and the involvement of the private sector in this process.
PMC RC and KAS Continue Presentations and Public Discussions of Policy Researches for Sustainable Economic Development
On October 3, PMC Research Center (PMC RC) together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized the presentation and public discussion on two research findings and corresponding recommendations on the following issues: Effects of Clean Investment; Possible Challenges of Harmonization of Georgian Legislation with the Acquis Communautaire of the European Union in the Energy Sector. The researches were conducted in the framework of the project Policy Research for Sustainable Economic Development, which is developed by PMC Research Center, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility Between European Union and Georgia
On September 30, PMC Research Center (PMC RC) together with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation hosted a presentation of the research findings and held a public discussion on the Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility between European Union and Georgia. The research was conducted within the framework of the project “Policy research for sustainable economic growth”.In particular, the research observed the advantages and challenges that may be faced by the country’s economy, after visa liberalization. The discussion was also focused on the main trends and characteristics of labor migration from Georgia. Specific attention was given to the possible influence of the Association Agreement between the EU and Georgia and visa liberalization on labor migration to the EU.
PMC RC Published Final Report about the State Procurement System of Georgia
The research paper “Analysis of the State Procurement Policy of Georgia” studies the strength and challenges of the existing state procurement system of Georgia.
PMC RC Issued Final Report about the Fiscal Sustainability in Georgia
The research “Analysis of the medium term fiscal policy sustainability in Georgia” assesses the fiscal sustainability of the country in medium and long-term periods.
Presenting Procurement Research Findings
On Tuesday, June 24, at the Sheraton Metechi Palace hotel, PMC Research Center (PMC RC) delivered a presentation and public discussion on “Analysis of the State Procurement System of Georgia”. The research had been conducted with the support of the USAID program - Policy, Advocacy, and Civil Society Development in Georgia (G-PAC), which is implemented by the East West Management Institute (EWMI).
Analysis of the Medium-Term Fiscal Policy Sustainability in Georgia
On Thursday, June 5, at the hotel "Holiday Inn", with the support of the USAID funded program G-PAC, PMC Research Center organized a presentation and public discussion of the project “Analysis of the Medium-Term Fiscal Policy Sustainability in Georgia".
PMC RC to Present Research Findings
On June 5, PMC Research Center will present the findings of the research “Analysis of the Medium-Term Fiscal Policy Sustainability in Georgia”, which was implemented within the framework of the USAID-funded program G-PAC. 
Supporting the Parliament of Georgia to Implement Sustainable Institutional Reforms
PMC Research Center (PMC RC), an independent non-governmental think tank, under the auspices of Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) will assist the Parliament of Georgia to implement sustainable institutional reforms, by facilitating the development of a comprehensive Institutional Reform Plan (IRP), program-based budgeting and introducing effective donor coordination mechanisms.
Analysis of the State Procurement Policy of Georgia"- Presentation of ongoing research
On Thursday, March 13th a presentation and public discussion of PMC Research Center's ongoing project "Analysis of the State Procurement Policy of Georgia" was held at the hotel "Sheraton Metechi Palace". The project has been prepared by PMC Research Center with the support of the USAID funded program G-PAC.
Preliminary results of ongoing research: "Analysis of the medium-term fiscal policy sustainability in Georgia"
On Thursday, February 6, at the hotel "Sheraton Metechi Palace", a presentation and public discussion of ongoing research "Analysis of the medium-term fiscal policy sustainability in Georgia" was held. The project is prepared by PMC Research Center and is implemented in the framework of the East-West Management Institute's (EWMI) Policy, Advocacy, and Civil Society Development in Georgia (G-PAC) Program, funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The Economic Effects of Labor Market Regulations: Research Results Presentation
On Thursday, 6 June, PMC Research Center, as part of the study funded by the Policy, Advocacy, and Civil Society Development in Georgia (G-PAC) program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), held public discussions on the topic: "Economic Effects of Labor Market Regulations".
Study Released: Economic Analysis of the Amendments to the Labor Code of Georgia
PMC Research Center has released a draft study report on the Economic Analysis of the Amendments to the Labor Code of Georgia. Proposed amendments to the Labor Code were given an economic analysis by PMC Research Center, which scrutinized the following:  
PMC RC provides consultancy services to the State Competition and Procurement Agency of Georgia
PMC Research Center is providing assistance to the State Competition and Procurement Agency (SCPA) to enhance the transparency and accountability of its operations and procurement procedures with support of USAID. This project follows up on a recently developed study into the SCPA's Dispute Resolution Board procedures, prepared by the PMC Research Center. (More information about the study is available via this link).
Working with Competition and State Procurement Agency (CSPA) of Georgia
PMC Research Center (Member of PMC Group) has been awarded the grant by USAID for the project entitled Study to Enhance the Public Outreach Function of the Compitiion and State Procurement Agency (CSPA). PMC Research Center will work with CSPA to conduct a desk study of current operations and processes of the CSPA Dispute Resolution Board and provide recommendations to improve public outreach function of the CSPA.