Discussing the Role of Think Tanks in Facilitating Sustainable Development in Asia
On June 8-10, PMC Research participated in the 4th Asia Think Tank Summit held in Seoul, South Korea. The Summit was dedicated to “Sustainable Development Goals in the Asian Landscape: Think Tanks as Catalysts for Policy Analysis and Implementation”.
Empowering Modern Research Practices of Regional Agriculture-Related Institutions in Georgia
On April 13-25, PMC Research is conducting trainings for regional education and research institutions on modern tools in research, focusing on the agricultural field.
Welcoming Our New Research Director
We are very pleased to welcome Maya Grigolia to our team as our new Research Director after the position was vacated by Tamar Jugheli who is pursuing her PhD in Germany.  
PMCG Scholarships Enabling Students to Attain High Quality Education
On February 10, Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) awarded students with PMCG’s scholarships to continue studying at the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET).
Hosting Belarus Delegation Experience in Introducing Effective Economic Reforms
On November 26-27, PMCG hosted an official delegation from Belarus in order to share details of Georgia’s successful reforms in tax administration, E-governance and public services.
Discussing Structural Economic Reforms with Moldovan Government and Private Sector
At the end of October, PMC Researcch held meetings with the Minister of Finance of Moldova and with the European Business Association (EBA) to share experiences of dealing with structural economic reforms.
Facilitating Dialogue on Benefits and Challenges for Moldovan and Georgian Private Sectors in EU Integration Process
PMC Research hosted high ranking representatives of the Moldovan and Georgian governments, the EU delegation, Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Slovakian diplomatic missions and representatives of EBRD, EIB, USAID, WB, and IFC to discuss the most efficient ways for governments and private sectors to navigate through the EU Integration Process.
We Have Moved to a New Office
We are excited to announce that we have moved to a new office at 61 Aghmashenebeli Avenue in Tbilisi (Georgia). We enjoyed three successful and hard-working years in the old...
Press Release: Possible Consequences of Georgia-China Free Trade Agreement
The study showed that a free trade agreement between Georgia and China has great potential. Georgia’s export to China would increase by 9% approximately, in the short-term period including significant growth of wine exports (28.5%) and non-alcoholic drinks (36.7%).
Possible Outcomes of Potential Georgia-China Free Trade Agreement
On June 17, PMC Research Center, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, started a new research project: Joint Feasibility Study of Possible Outcomes of Georgia-China Free Trade Agreement.
Zaza Chelidze Discusses Challenges of EU Accession at International Conference in Kosovo
On May 15-16, Zaza Chelidze, Member of PMC RC's Advisory Board participated in the international conference “Activating the Sources of Economic Growth in Kosovo”. The event organized by local think-tank Riinvest Institute served as a platform for debate about the potential sources of economic growth in Kosovo. Chelidze participated in the panel together with the Minister of Economic Development, Minister of Trade and Industry of Kosovo, and the former Minister of Finance of Albania. His topic was “Agricultural and Rural Development in Georgia – Challenges of EU Accession” and also discussed Georgia’s successfully implemented reforms in areas including: trade liberalization, tax system simplification, deregulation and other free-market enabling reforms that resulted in Georgia being ranked very highly in The World Bank’s Doing Business, Economic Freedom Index and Corruption Perception Index.
Understanding Labor Market in Georgia
PMC Research will conduct labor informality study, in partnership with the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University, the University of Bologna, the University of Bonn and Maastricht University with the financial support of Volkswagen Foundation and the Institute for Study Labor (IZA).
PMC RC Awarded to Share Experience of Public-Private Dialogue in EU Integration Process for Moldova and Georgia
PMC Research Center was awarded a grant by the International Visegrad Fund to implement the project Sharing Experience of Public-Private Dialogue in EU Integration Process for Moldova and Georgia.
PMC RC Successfully Concludes EU-Albania/Kosovo Integration Project
The project was aimed at enabling Visegrad countries to share their experiences and to play significant roles in the process of the economic integration of both Albania and Kosovo with the EU and transfer of Georgian know-how in successful structural reforms for Albanian and Kosovar stakeholders.