Study to Enhance the Public Outreach Function of the Competition and State Procurement Agency (CSPA)

PMC Research Center (Member of PMC Group) has been awarded a grant by the USAID Good Governance in Georgia (G3) program for the project entitled Study to Enhance the Public Outreach Function of the Competition and State Procurement Agency (CSPA).

Start Date: 2012-02-01
End Date: 2012-04-01
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: CSPA
Origin of Funding: USAID, G3
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Fiscal Risks in Georgia: Tax Revenues and Public Debts

PMC Research conducted a risk analysis of the fiscal system of Georgia to evaluate the likelihood of fiscal risks associated with fiscal sustainability for the medium (3-5 years) and long (5-15 years) term.

Start Date: 2011-12-01
End Date: 2012-01-04
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Origin of Funding: G-PAC
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Strategic planning with GoARA – Ministry of Finance and Economy of Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Facilitate the strategic planning in the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Autonomous Republic of Adjara and Ministry of Agriculture of Autonomous Republic of Adjara to help define the fundamental purpose of these institutions.

Start Date: 2011-10-17
End Date: 2012-01-20
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: Ministry of Finance and Economy of Autonomous Republic of Adjara
Origin of Funding: USAID - Good Governance in Georgia (G3)/MSI International
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