Our Funding
Our Funding

The majority of PMC Research Center's funding comes from international organizations, and in order to be accountable and transparent, PMC Research Center makes information about its projects and funding levels available.

Project Origin of Funding Duration Amount
Supporting an Inclusive Youth Policy by Establishing Sustainable Youth Platforms and Promoting Non-formal Education in Racha Youth Agency 2020-2021 GEL 17,490
Participatory Monitoring of the State Rural Support Program in Mestia Municipality Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 2020 GEL 55,553
Supporting the Development of the Skills Agency in Georgia UNDP 2020 USD 4,301
Analysis of the SME ecosystem and identification of SBFIC interventions aimed at supporting rural finance development in Azerbaijan SBFIC 2020 USD 7,200
Business Plan for Agronavti Mobile Application Spin-Off Company Chemonics International 2020 EUR 21,462
Cluster diagnostic Study in the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region of Georgia United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 2020 GEL 35,000
Analyses of SME ecosystem and identification of SBFIC interventions aiming at support of rural finance development in Georgia SBFIC 2020 USD 9,550
Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform 2020 Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation 2020 GEL 16,100
Organic Agricultural Products and Rural Tourism Value Chain Study Austrian Development Cooperation 2020 USD 17,650
Strengthening Capacity of Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) UNDP 2019-2020 USD 8650
BAG Index and BAG Investment Survey Business Association of Georgia 2019-2027 USD 67 525
Strengthening VET institutions’ capacity in the development of needs-based project ideas and proposals UNDP 2019-2020 USD 4550
Rapid Assessment for Rural SME Development in Georgia and Armenia Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Swiss Embassy in Georgia 2019-2019 USD 10960
Verification of Outcomes of the Program – Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training South Caucasus Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 2019-2019 EUR 3600
Support and Monitoring of Penitentiary and Probation Reforms with the Involvement of Civil Society European Commission 2019-2020 EUR 3000