Our Funding
Our Funding

The majority of PMC Research Center's funding comes from international organizations, and in order to be accountable and transparent, PMC Research Center makes information about its projects and funding levels available.

Project Origin of Funding Duration Amount
Sharing Experience of Georgian Reforms and Visegrad Countries' EU Economic Integration for Albania and Kosovo International Visegrad Fund 2014-2015 EURO 63,000
Strengthening the System of Parliamentary Democracy in Georgia UNDP/EU 2014-2015 USD 154,923
Sharing Georgia’s Experience on Successful Economic Reforms with Belarus MFA of Czeck Republic 2014 EURO 16,000
Institutional Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of Autonomous Republic of Adjara, ENPARD ADJARA UNDP/EU 2013-2015 USD 147,420
Analysis of Medium Term Fiscal Policy Sustainability in Georgia EWMI 2013 USD 47,429
Analysis of the State Procurement System of Georgia EWMI 2013-2014 USD 59,807
Streamline Merger, Bankruptcy and Liquidation procedures of SOE’s USAID/EPI 2013-2014 ** GEL 18,130
Georgia and Moldova’s Economic Development Strategies – Desk Research Government of Kyrgyzstan 2013 USD 14,100
Economic Analysis of the Initiated Amendments to the Labor Code of Georgia EWMI 2013 USD 10,000
Strengthening Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara Institutional Capacity USAID 2013 GEL 89,500
Enhancing Transparency and Accountability of the State Competition and Procurement Agency and its Dispute Resolution Board USAID 2012 GEL 24,440
Simplification of Georgian Tax Code USAID 2013-2014 ** USD 194,913
Consultancy/Training Services in Budgetary Oversight and Program Budgeting to the Parliament of Georgia UNDP 2012-2013 ** USD 35,660
Review of the implementation of the PFM SPSP EU 2012 ** EURO 2,070
Study to Enhance the Public Outreach Function of the Competition and State Procurement Agency (CSPA) USAID/G3 2012 GEL 24,440