Our Funding
Our Funding

The majority of PMC Research Center's funding comes from international organizations, and in order to be accountable and transparent, PMC Research Center makes information about its projects and funding levels available.

Project Origin of Funding Duration Amount
Advancing Performance Management in the Civil Service through Analysis of Labor Contract Modalities United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2023 11,745 USD
Assessment of Asylum Seeker, Refugee and Humanitarian Status Holder Youth in Georgia United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 2022-2023 36,750 GEL
Capacity Development Activity for the Parliament Research Center Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs 2022-2023 67,800 GEL
Assessment of non-timber forest product (NTFP) value chains in Georgia GIZ 2022-2023 33,850 GEL
Mixed-method Evaluation of US Embassy Foreign Assistance Programs – ACCESS and TVET United States Department of State (DOS) 2022-2024 USD 150,000
Black Sea Ports Amid the Russia-Ukraine War Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) 2022 $22,660.00
Study of the Needs of Ukrainian Refugees in Georgia Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) 2022 $25,275.00
Assessing the Expected Effects of the Planned Change of the Government of Georgia’s Ordinance "On the List of Industries with Specific Operating Conditions Business Association of Georgia (BAG) 2022 GEL 22,500
Development of Skills for Rural Vulnerable Groups UNDP 2022 29,965 USD
Identification and Research of Competitive Sectors in Batumi for the "Elaboration of Spatial Development and Development Management Documentation for Batumi City Municipality" Project Batumi Municipality City Hall 2021-2024 53,000 GEL
Market Research of Education Sciences Programs in Georgia New Vision University 2022 16,402 GEL
Qualitative Evaluation of the Organizational Development of CSOs European Union 2022 EUR 5,990
Study on the Economic Benefits of IP in Georgia European Union 2022-2023 EUR 13,890
Economic Development of Oni Municipality via Business Clusters Creation and Investment Attraction European Commission (Mayors for Economic Growth Facility) 2022-2024 EUR 350,291
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on Economic Reforms - Tax Dispute Resolution USAID Economic Governance Program 2022 29,740.29 USD