Transferring V4 and Georgia Reform Experience to Facilitate Economic Development in Belarus
Transferring V4 and Georgia Reform Experience to Facilitate Economic Development in Belarus
Start Date: 2015-05-01
End Date: 2016-05-31
Region: Eastern Europe and Balkans,
Country: Belarus,
Client: International Visegrad Fund
Origin of Funding: International Visegrad Fund

Project Description:

The project aims to promote economic reform in Belarus by sharing the experiences of V4 countries and Georgia. Experts with hands-on experience of economic reforms in transitional countries will transfer their knowledge on tax administration, attraction of FDI, and e-government and discuss ways of furthering economic development with Belarusian government officials, business representatives, and NGOs.

The overall objective of the project is to share experience in economic reforms between Eastern Partnership countries (Belarus and Georgia) and V4 countries and to promote economic development in Belarus. The project is primarily focused on taxation, FDI, and e-government.

Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) facilitates promotion of economic reform in Belarus by sharing the experiences of V4 countries and Georgia.

Specific goals of the project are the following:

  1. To decrease administrative burden for taxpayers and to optimize the tax system
  2. To minimize bureaucratic procedures involved in FDI attraction
  3. To create efficient e‑government in Belarus

The project will bring the following benefits to Belarus:

  • Promotion of transparent, less bureaucratic and international standard based tax administration services
  • Creation of simple and transparent procedures for business including FDI attraction
  • Clear vision for the structure of e‑government in Belarus

We also expect the project to benefit the economies of V4 countries and Georgia through better economic cooperation (through FDI and trade) with Belarus.

Types of services provided:

  • Three seminars – one on each topic (taxation; FDI; e‑government) ‑ with the invited experts from Visegrad countries and Georgia
  • Consultations and round‑table discussions with Belarusian government (Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance) officials, business representatives, and NGOs after each seminar
  • Three documents containing policy recommendations based on the discussion during seminars and developed in cooperation with external experts and Belarusian stakeholders
  • A study trip to Georgia for Belarusian policy makers where they will get acquainted with the best practices of the Georgian government
  • Project webpage (a sub‑site at BEROC's website) - In order to share information, raise awareness and make this process more productive, a project webpage will be created