BAG Index and BAG Investment Survey
BAG Index and BAG Investment Survey
Start Date: 2019-10-20
End Date: 2027-01-20
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: Business Association of Georgia
Origin of Funding: Business Association of Georgia
Budget: 67 525 USD


The Business Association of Georgia (BAG) Index, Employment Barometer and BAG Investment Survey are collaborative publications of PMC Research Center and the ifo Institute for Economic Research, one of the leading economic research institutes in Europe, specializing in applied economic research, policy advising and the provision of other services for governments, businesses, researchers and the public.


The quarterly BAG Index and Employment Barometer and the biannual publication of the BAG Investment Survey aim to periodically assess the business climate in Georgia, as well as to outline future expectations of businesses and to evaluate their planned responses to the changing environment. This initiative is intended to gather both qualitative and quantitative data while using different approaches and methodologies for individual sectors.


PMC Research Center is responsible for the:


  • Preparation of the survey and questionnaire design.
  • Sampling of enterprises to be interviewed.
  • Management and the data collection process on a monthly basis.
  • Survey data analysis.
  • Preparation of research outputs (the BAG Index and Employment Barometer (both quarterly), and the BAG Investment Survey (biannual)).


 The project is financed by the Business Association Georgia.