Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform – 2021 (KAS)
Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform – 2021 (KAS)
Start Date: 2021-07-01
End Date: 2021-10-30
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Origin of Funding: Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Budget: 16,000 GEL

This project is targeted at creating a platform to stimulate constructive and systematic policy debate among different political and social groups in Georgian society. Among other goals, the project aims to encourage young researchers in Georgia to publish valuable policy research papers on important policy issues. ​

This year, the policy research focus of the platform will be on linkages between electricity prices in Georgia and power supply security. The aims of this particular research are to study different components of operations in the Georgian electricity market, to identify price signals, and to create greater clarity with respect to changing circumstances on the power market. Furthermore, the research is oriented towards the development of an electricity price index that will increase understanding of market dynamics. The index could also serve as a reference point for policy-makers, industry representatives, and civil society organizations in the course of conducting analysis and making decisions. Specifically, this research will contribute to policy discussion and reveal trends regarding the country’s energy security.