Development of Digital Transformation Support for Rural SMEs
Development of Digital Transformation Support for Rural SMEs
Start Date: 2022-05-01
End Date: 2022-08-31
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: UNDP
Origin of Funding: UNDP

The goal of this project is to improve the digital skills and competence of rural enterprises through needs-based, tailor-made, and individually-targeted coaching. Furthermore, the project envisages fostering synergies and sustainable cooperation between rural enterprises in Khulo and Lagodekhi municipalities and the key relevant stakeholders, including local action groups (LAGs), ensuring the engagement of the relevant communities.


Within this project, PMC RC plans to conduct a thorough needs assessment of the rural enterprises operating in both municipalities. Based on the findings of the assessment, it will develop digital skills courses and personal coaching sessions tailored to local needs. To make the results of this initiative sustainable, junior trainers will be selected from the Khulo and Lagodekhi LAG members and will be closely involved in the abovementioned capacity-building courses for the purpose of retaining skills and knowledge shared by project experts.


Throughout the project’s implementation process, PMC RC will provide the following services:


  • Conducting a needs assessment of the enterprises in targeted municipalities;
  • Analyzing the needs assessment results and identifying key areas requiring improvement;
  • Developing basic modules in the sub-directions of digitalization and digitization; and
  • Conducting training sessions and personal consultations for targeted local enterprises.