Study of the Needs of Ukrainian Refugees in Georgia
Study of the Needs of Ukrainian Refugees in Georgia
Start Date: 2022-08-01
End Date: 2022-12-31
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
Origin of Funding: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
Budget: $25,275.00


PMC Research Center (PMC RC) is conducting a study with the objectives of assessing the needs and skills of Ukrainian refugees in Georgia and producing recommendations for stakeholders to develop needs-based services.

Pursuant to the project’s objectives, PMC RC will carry out the following activities:


  • Map existing support services for Ukrainian refugees and service providers in Georgia

PMC RC will identify existing support services for Ukrainian refugees and service providers (government representatives, CSOs, and international organizations working on the needs of Ukrainian refugees), as well as the main communication channels between Ukrainian refugees and organizations and communication networks among refugees (Facebook groups, Telegram groups, etc.).


  • Conduct needs and skills assessments of Ukrainian refugees

Based on the interviews with representatives of the Georgian government, CSOs, and international organizations, as well as focus group discussions with Ukrainian refugees, PMC RC will identify three main challenges faced by Ukrainian refugees in Georgia. To support the integration of refugees from Ukraine into the Georgian labor market, PMC RC will also identify the primary most compatible economic sectors by matching their skills and knowledge based on a survey.


  • Advocating for the needs of Ukrainian refugees

With the support of an advocacy expert and based on the needs assessment findings, PMC RC will conduct two roundtable discussions with relevant stakeholders (CSOs, governmental bodies, international organizations, and appropriate economic sector representatives) to advocate for the needs of Ukrainian refugees and suggest actions to be taken to improve their conditions in Georgia.