Sectoral Analysis of the Retail Industry
Sectoral Analysis of the Retail Industry
Start Date: 2023-07-21
End Date: 2023-10-15
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: Retail Association
Origin of Funding: Retail Association
Budget: 20,500 GEL

The study aims to offer a timely overview of the market for primary consumption goods through analyzing the retail sector’s position in the Georgian economy. PMC Research is providing the Retail Association with the following services for this purpose:


  • An overview of global retail trends and the retail sector’s role in the Georgian economy, including major economic indicators such as value-added and its contribution to the overall economy. Financial indicators of both the retail sector and adjacent distribution sector will be analyzed to provide insights into their financial patterns.
  • Conducting a comparative study of prices and competition for 12 pre-selected products in non-chain markets and Retail Association member companies (chain markets) situated in Tbilisi. The analysis findings will be integrated into the sectoral overview, offering valuable insights into the pricing of primary consumption goods in both chain and non-chain retailers.
  • Presentation of the research report to major stakeholders and the general public.